Friday, November 9, 2012

Why am I doing this? To maintain my sanity and as a way to express myself without hurting other people (yes I do care about others I just can't stand some people) It may take me a little longer to understand Chemistry and I might not be the best person on the debate team but I use my brain and I have a passion for learning and plan to go far. I am wanting to go to Rio in 2014 for the Olympics so mainly i will talk about that this will. Here is a list of the main people in my life. I won't give their names but make up some fun nicknames for them for your enjoyment and mine.
               SOCOOL- softball playerdoesn't put up with crap unusually before this last summer didn't have a life until she got a boyfriend loves. just younger then me one of my best friends crazy about being better then everybody but she  to speed  in her car because it is so cool
               CORNAL- SOCOOL's boyfriend wears camo and funny hats never wears jeans just cargo pants thinks he is right all the time flirts with me like crazy liked me first and then liked SOCOOL is ugly weighs less then me and I am a size 8very protective of SOCOOL but is very protective of me...too? crazy CORNAL is SOCOOL's first boyfriend so she is absolulye crazy about him she wants to marry him and lets just say we are too young to be talking bout this. but only SOCOOL talks about it not CORNAL.
                 BEAR   SOCOOL's friend thats a boy i like him as a friend he is bigger as in tall hes quiet but he is very very smart
               ANNOYANCEY (we will just call her ANNE) ANNE has been my friend for a while but resently she has become so annoying i cant stand it
               COLORER- My friend i would do anything for the greatest cant find a problem with her she has a nice boyfriend both band geeks she loves to color 
               HAM- COLORERS friend dumb doesn't try to be likes to complain alot i think it is to protect herself from looking dumb and irrelevant i used to do that she is called HAM because that's what she look like a huge ham
               LEST-LEST another girl is foreign and she makes me happy she is the best falls in love with guys too fast but she doesn't date so its all good we can argue and we are all good she loves Obama but doesn't really care for the American government loves to sing and loves the arts but her parents want her to be a super cool scientist i feel bad for her LEST because i think of lets be friends for some reason crazy!
           Q she is new to me she doesn't say much but she seems really nice eats lunch with me LEST and HAM and that's it it is kinda embarrassing
             GREAT- Just think the opposite when you read GREAT she is actually more annoying then ANNE can you believe it???

This is all that i can think of i will add more later!!!

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