Monday, November 12, 2012

this is one of thoses days i am just not myself anymore i love to be happy and excited for things but i am just not today  on  a better note in world history i was drawing my hand and had a bunch of rigns and stuff. I am not a good drawer at all but i like to draw so it looked like a three year old did it but anyway (COLORS doesnt like it when i say anyways!!!) i had a ring around my left ring finger and of course BEAR had to  make a joke about me never being able to get engaged any way. I took it as a joke as it was ment to be but of course was terribly mad at BEAR for the rest of the day. Evern keeping a paper away froom him that CORNAL was (i think) writhing to SOCOOL. the first few words were i am sorry  for.... so i am pretty sure that it was to SOCOOL

A couple of my friends have been dating, lets call them EMOTIONAL and SEVENTEEN. EMOTIONAL is dealing wiith depression right now. he has been seeing a counceler his grades are now terrible and he is just a wrek. SEVENTEEN is have problems with her family too she has a sister now and just that i dont know what happened to her parents but now she is okay EMOTIONAL and all his girlfriends always seem to meet in the same spot as the years go on surprisingly i am jelous of EMOTIONAL becasue every year he had a new girlfirend i wish i could just have one. But anyway EOMOTIONAL andSEVENTEEN rescently broke up this weekend, i think that it was SEVENTEEN that did it but who knows. all i know is i saw them walking down the hallway together this afternoon....

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