Monday, November 12, 2012

i am so stressed out today i can't stand it! i have a headache, its a monday and i have not gotton my one and only assignment done! Also i had to go to a conformation meeting with my dad, he doesnt support me in this at all which is alright but i wish that even if he doesnt agree with every thing they say (i also do not beleive everything) he could still cheer me on. this is kinda like with my little sister, he didnt really cheer her on in softball and basketball until recently, she told me that he once had said that my mom had to take care of taking her to practice becasue thats the sports she liked to watch, i accually discussed this with him but he didnt take it seriously like ususal he told me i souldnt cry over such matters becasue when i get a job and my boss yells at me crying wont help whatever. Tommarow i have a debate so wont be home until very late that makes me happy oh yes and i get to clean my room becasue it is a disastor area and my dad has been saying for weeks and weeks and weeks that it must be cleaned even though i havent heard that for weeks and weeks and weeks, i have recently been very sad about my uncle dying oh about 4 months ago. at the time i wasnt too sad but as things come up with life like confermation where i need a sponsor and just talking about family memebers i feel sad and we werent close or anything but i am so sad that we are not able to do stuff is almost kind of selfish

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